Monday, March 30, 2015

19 Female TV Characters Who Are Definitely Gryffindors

You might belong on television, where dwell the brave at heart.

Olivia Pope - Scandal

Olivia Pope - Scandal

Honestly, Olivia could be in Slytherin or Ravenclaw too, but she's pretty much a huge Gryffindor. No matter what she does, Olivia is pretty sure she's doing the right thing, the moral thing. She's one of the bravest and toughest women on television. Everything about her screams Gryffindor.


Kate Beckett - Castle

Kate Beckett - Castle

Motivated by black and white morality, Detective Beckett is a huge Gryffindor. She knows her right from wrong, and she devotes her life to setting that path straight. Beckett is known to jump, without hesitation, into the dangerous thing (the season four finale, anyone?). She always wants to be the hero.


Donna Meagle - Parks and Recreation

Donna Meagle - Parks and Recreation

Heck to the yes, Donna! She is courageous, outspoken, and nervy, just like a Gryffindor should be. Also, she has a loyal heart, like most Gryffindors. She'd rock that red and gold with pride.


Lois Lane - Smallville

Lois Lane - Smallville

Like the show says, she is brave, kind, and a force of nature. That's pretty much everything Gryffindor is supposed to be. Lois would do anything for the people she loves, but she often lets that passion cloud her judgment. This makes her a pretty obvious Gryffindor.

Warner Bros. Television

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