Friday, April 3, 2015

59 Magical Places To Hide The Afikoman At Hogwarts

Accio Matzoh!

1. Inside the room of requirement.

2. In the sorting hat.

3. In the Chamber of Secrets.

4. In the fireplace inside Hagrid's cabin.

5. With Aragog's colony.

6. In the sleeves of Ron's R sweater.

7. Mixed in with the leaves in a Divination tea cup.

8. In the vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement.

9. In Luna's lost sneakers.

10. In the staircase to the Gryffindor girls' dorm.

11. At the top of the Owlery rafters.

12. Taped behind Moaning Myrtle's toilet.

13. In the entrance to one of the passageways from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade.

14. In a different passageway from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade, moved while people are looking.

15. On a moving staircase as it's moving.

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16. As a constellation in the great hall ceiling.

17. Under the seat cushions on teacher's platform in the Great Hall.

18. Under a mandrake pot.

19. Anywhere in the Ravenclaw tower.

20. Under the cushion to one of the armchairs in the Hufflepuff common room.

21. In the potions closet.

22. Under the trapdoor when Fluffy isn't looking.

23. Behind one of Umbridge's framed proclamations.

24. Mixed in with the trophies in the trophy closet, since the Afikomen is the ultimate trophy.

25. Between the towels in the Prefects' bathroom. Safety against crumbling!

26. Tied to Mrs. Norris' collar (if she lets you get that close).

27. In front of the lens of a telescope in the Astronomy tower, so you can only see it when you look through the eyepiece.

28. In the dungeon cupboard (if Hagrid could stash a baby Aragog there, surely you can hide some matzoh).

29. Between pages 394 and 395 in your textbook.

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